The day of all days starts at 9am and we cycle
gently uphill to warm our legs. If you didn’t guess
yet, there are no flats around Bormio. We ride
the legendary Stelvio, the road that many cycling
champions left their print on. A cycling heaven
through mesmerizing views of natural beauty,
look down and breath out!
Once we reach the 2757 meter summit we can
finally rest and recharge before we face downhill
back to Bormio. Our minivan is on hand for any
support and the more adventurous of you with the goal to conquer
the double Stelvio will continue
down the northern side navigating the famous
48 hairpins to Prato. From Prato we briefly pass
into Switzerland for the 12km ascent along the
Umbrail pass with an average gradient of nearly 10%.
Bon courage to all those who attempt the big
mountains. It will be a day of cycling to
remember forever.